;;;-*-Mode:LISP; Package:(CLOS LISP 1000); Base:10; Syntax:Common-lisp -*- ;;; ;;; ************************************************************************* ;;; Copyright (c) 1991 Venue ;;; All rights reserved. ;;; ************************************************************************* ;;; ;;; ;;; This file defines the defconstructor and other make-instance optimization ;;; mechanisms. ;;; (in-package 'clos) ;;; ;;; defconstructor is used to define special purpose functions which just ;;; call make-instance with a symbol as the first argument. The semantics ;;; of defconstructor is that it is equivalent to defining a function which ;;; just calls make-instance. The purpose of defconstructor is to provide ;;; CLOS with a way of noticing these calls to make-instance so that it can ;;; optimize them. Specific ports of CLOS could just have their compiler ;;; spot these calls to make-instance and then call this code. Having the ;;; special defconstructor facility is the best we can do portably. ;;; ;;; ;;; A call to defconstructor like: ;;; ;;; (defconstructor make-foo foo (a b &rest r) a a :mumble b baz r) ;;; ;;; Is equivalent to a defun like: ;;; ;;; (defun make-foo (a b &rest r) ;;; (make-instance 'foo 'a a ':mumble b 'baz r)) ;;; ;;; Calls like the following are also legal: ;;; ;;; (defconstructor make-foo foo ()) ;;; (defconstructor make-bar bar () :x *x* :y *y*) ;;; (defconstructor make-baz baz (a b c) a-b (list a b) b-c (list b c)) ;;; ;;; ;;; The general idea of this implementation is that the expansion of the ;;; defconstructor form includes the creation of closure generators which ;;; can be called to create constructor code for the class. The ways that ;;; a constructor can be optimized depends not only on the defconstructor ;;; form, but also on the state of the class and the generic functions in ;;; the initialization protocol. Because of this, the determination of the ;;; form of constructor code to be used is a two part process. ;;; ;;; At compile time, make-constructor-code-generators looks at the actual ;;; defconstructor form and makes a list of appropriate constructor code ;;; generators. All that is really taken into account here is whether ;;; any initargs are supplied in the call to make-instance, and whether ;;; any of those are constant. ;;; ;;; At constructor code generation time (see note about lazy evaluation) ;;; compute-constructor-code calls each of the constructor code generators ;;; to try to get code for this constructor. Each generator looks at the ;;; state of the class and initialization protocol generic functions and ;;; decides whether its type of code is appropriate. This depends on things ;;; like whether there are any applicable methods on initialize-instance, ;;; whether class slots are affected by initialization etc. ;;; ;;; ;;; Constructor objects are funcallable instances, the protocol followed to ;;; to compute the constructor code for them is quite similar to the protocol ;;; followed to compute the discriminator code for a generic function. When ;;; the constructor is first loaded, we install as its code a function which ;;; will compute the actual constructor code the first time it is called. ;;; ;;; If there is an update to the class structure which might invalidate the ;;; optimized constructor, the special lazy constructor installer is put back ;;; so that it can compute the appropriate constructor when it is called. ;;; This is the same kind of lazy evaluation update strategy used elswhere ;;; in CLOS. ;;; ;;; To allow for flexibility in the CLOS implementation and to allow CLOS users ;;; to specialize this constructor facility for their own metaclasses, there ;;; is an internal protocol followed by the code which loads and installs ;;; the constructors. This is documented in the comments in the code. ;;; ;;; This code is also designed so that one of its levels, can be used to ;;; implement optimization of calls to make-instance which can't go through ;;; the defconstructor facility. This has not been implemented yet, but the ;;; hooks are there. ;;; ;;; (defmacro defconstructor (name class lambda-list &rest initialization-arguments) (expand-defconstructor class name lambda-list (copy-list initialization-arguments))) (defun expand-defconstructor (class-name name lambda-list supplied-initargs) (let ((class (find-class class-name nil)) (supplied-initarg-names (gathering1 (collecting) (iterate ((name (*list-elements supplied-initargs :by #'cddr))) (gather1 name))))) (when (null class) (error "defconstructor form being compiled (or evaluated) before~@ class ~S is defined." class-name)) `(progn ;; In order to avoid undefined function warnings, we want to tell ;; the compile time environment that a function with this name and ;; this argument list has been defined. The portable way to do this ;; is with defun. (proclaim '(notinline ,name)) (defun ,name ,lambda-list (declare (ignore ,@(specialized-lambda-list-parameters lambda-list))) (error "Constructor ~S not loaded." ',name)) ,(make-top-level-form `(defconstructor ,name) '(load eval) `(load-constructor ',class-name ',(class-name (class-of class)) ',name ',supplied-initarg-names ;; make-constructor-code-generators is called to return a list ;; of constructor code generators. The actual interpretation ;; of this list is left to compute-constructor-code, but the ;; general idea is that it should be an plist where the keys ;; name a kind of constructor code and the values are generator ;; functions which return the actual constructor code. The ;; constructor code is usually a closures over the arguments ;; to the generator. ,(make-constructor-code-generators class name lambda-list supplied-initarg-names supplied-initargs)))))) (defun load-constructor (class-name metaclass-name constructor-name supplied-initarg-names code-generators) (let ((class (find-class class-name nil))) (cond ((null class) (error "defconstructor form being loaded (or evaluated) before~@ class ~S is defined." class-name)) ((neq (class-name (class-of class)) metaclass-name) (error "When defconstructor ~S was compiled, the metaclass of the~@ class ~S was ~S. The metaclass is now ~S.~@ The constructor must be recompiled." constructor-name class-name metaclass-name (class-name (class-of class)))) (t (load-constructor-internal class constructor-name supplied-initarg-names code-generators) constructor-name)))) ;;; ;;; The actual constructor objects. ;;; (defclass constructor () ((class ;The class with which this :initarg :class ;constructor is associated. :reader constructor-class) ;The actual class object, ;not the class name. ; (name ;The name of this constructor. :initform nil ;This is the symbol in whose :initarg :name ;function cell the constructor :reader constructor-name) ;usually sits. Of course, this ;is optional. defconstructor ;makes named constructors, but ;it is possible to manipulate ;anonymous constructors also. ; (code-type ;The type of code currently in :initform nil ;use by this constructor. This :accessor constructor-code-type) ;is mostly for debugging and ;analysis purposes. ;The lazy installer sets this ;to LAZY. The most basic and ;least optimized type of code ;is called FALLBACK. ; (supplied-initarg-names ;The names of the initargs this :initarg :supplied-initarg-names ;constructor supplies when it :reader ;"calls" make-instance. constructor-supplied-initarg-names) ; ; (code-generators ;Generators for the different :initarg :code-generators ;types of code this constructor :reader constructor-code-generators)) ;could use. (:metaclass funcallable-standard-class)) ;;; ;;; Because the value in the code-type slot should always correspond to the ;;; funcallable-instance-function of the constructor, this function should ;;; always be used to set the both at the same time. ;;; (defun set-constructor-code (constructor code type) (set-funcallable-instance-function constructor code) (set-function-name constructor (constructor-name constructor)) (setf (constructor-code-type constructor) type)) (defmethod print-object ((constructor constructor) stream) (printing-random-thing (constructor stream) (format stream "~S ~S (~S)" (or (class-name (class-of constructor)) "Constructor") (or (constructor-name constructor) "Anonymous") (constructor-code-type constructor)))) (defmethod describe-object ((constructor constructor) stream) (format stream "~S is a constructor for the class ~S.~%~ The current code type is ~S.~%~ Other possible code types are ~S." constructor (constructor-class constructor) (constructor-code-type constructor) (gathering1 (collecting) (doplist (key val) (constructor-code-generators constructor) (gather1 key))))) ;;; ;;; I am not in a hairy enough mood to make this implementation be metacircular ;;; enough that it can support a defconstructor for constructor objects. ;;; (defun make-constructor (class name supplied-initarg-names code-generators) (make-instance 'constructor :class class :name name :supplied-initarg-names supplied-initarg-names :code-generators code-generators)) ; This definition actually appears in std-class.lisp. ;(defmethod class-constructors ((class std-class)) ; (with-slots (plist) class (getf plist 'constructors))) (defmethod add-constructor ((class std-class) (constructor constructor)) (with-slots (plist) class (pushnew constructor (getf plist 'constructors)))) (defmethod remove-constructor ((class std-class) (constructor constructor)) (with-slots (plist) class (setf (getf plist 'constructors) (delete constructor (getf plist 'constructors))))) (defmethod get-constructor ((class std-class) name &optional (error-p t)) (or (dolist (c (class-constructors class)) (when (eq (constructor-name c) name) (return c))) (if error-p (error "Couldn't find a constructor with name ~S for class ~S." name class) ()))) ;;; ;;; This is called to actually load a defconstructor constructor. It must ;;; install the lazy installer in the function cell of the constructor name, ;;; and also add this constructor to the list of constructors the class has. ;;; (defmethod load-constructor-internal ((class std-class) name initargs generators) (let ((constructor (make-constructor class name initargs generators)) (old (get-constructor class name nil))) (when old (remove-constructor class old)) (install-lazy-constructor-installer constructor) (add-constructor class constructor) (setf (symbol-function name) constructor))) (defmethod install-lazy-constructor-installer ((constructor constructor)) (let ((class (constructor-class constructor))) (set-constructor-code constructor #'(lambda (&rest args) (multiple-value-bind (code type) (compute-constructor-code class constructor) (prog1 (apply code args) (set-constructor-code constructor code type)))) 'lazy))) ;;; ;;; The interface to keeping the constructors updated. ;;; ;;; add-method and remove-method (for standard-generic-function and -method), ;;; promise to call maybe-update-constructors on the generic function and ;;; the method. ;;; ;;; The class update code promises to call update-constructors whenever the ;;; class is changed. That is, whenever the supers, slots or options change. ;;; If user defined classes of constructor needs to be updated in more than ;;; these circumstances, they should use the dependent updating mechanism to ;;; make sure update-constructors is called. ;;; ;;; Bootstrapping concerns force the definitions of maybe-update-constructors ;;; and update-constructors to be in the file std-class. For clarity, they ;;; also appear below. Be sure to keep the definition here and there in sync. ;;; ;(defvar *initialization-generic-functions* ; (list #'make-instance ; #'default-initargs ; #'allocate-instance ; #'initialize-instance ; #'shared-initialize)) ; ;(defmethod maybe-update-constructors ; ((generic-function generic-function) ; (method method)) ; (when (memq generic-function *initialization-generic-functions*) ; (labels ((recurse (class) ; (update-constructors class) ; (dolist (subclass (class-direct-subclasses class)) ; (recurse subclass)))) ; (when (classp (car (method-specializers method))) ; (recurse (car (method-specializers method))))))) ; ;(defmethod update-constructors ((class std-class)) ; (dolist (cons (class-constructors class)) ; (install-lazy-constructor-installer cons))) ; ;(defmethod update-constructors ((class class)) ; ()) ;;; ;;; Here is the actual smarts for making the code generators and then trying ;;; each generator to get constructor code. This extensible mechanism allows ;;; new kinds of constructor code types to be added. A programmer defining a ;;; specialization of the constructor class can either use this mechanism to ;;; define new code types, or can override this mechanism by overriding the ;;; methods on make-constructor-code-generators and compute-constructor-code. ;;; ;;; The function defined by define-constructor-code-type will receive the ;;; class object, and the 4 original arguments to defconstructor. It can ;;; return a constructor code generator, or return nil if this type of code ;;; is determined to not be appropriate after looking at the defconstructor ;;; arguments. ;;; ;;; When compute-constructor-code is called, it first performs basic checks ;;; to make sure that the basic assumptions common to all the code types are ;;; valid. (For details see method definition). If any of the tests fail, ;;; the fallback constructor code type is used. If none of the tests fail, ;;; the constructor code generators are called in order. They receive 5 ;;; arguments: ;;; ;;; CLASS the class the constructor is making instances of ;;; WRAPPER that class's wrapper ;;; DEFAULTS the result of calling class-default-initargs on class ;;; INITIALIZE the applicable methods on initialize-instance ;;; SHARED the applicable methosd on shared-initialize ;;; ;;; The first code generator to return code is used. The code generators are ;;; called in reverse order of definition, so define-constructor-code-type ;;; forms which define better code should appear after ones that define less ;;; good code. The fallback code type appears first. Note that redefining a ;;; code type does not change its position in the list. To do that, define ;;; a new type at the end with the behavior. ;;; (defvar *constructor-code-types* ()) (defmacro define-constructor-code-type (type arglist &body body) (let ((fn-name (intern (format nil "CONSTRUCTOR-CODE-GENERATOR ~A ~A" (package-name (symbol-package type)) (symbol-name type)) *the-clos-package*))) `(progn (defun ,fn-name ,arglist .,body) (load-define-constructor-code-type ',type ',fn-name)))) (defun load-define-constructor-code-type (type generator) (let ((old-entry (assq type *constructor-code-types*))) (if old-entry (setf (cadr old-entry) generator) (push (list type generator) *constructor-code-types*)) type)) (defmethod make-constructor-code-generators ((class std-class) name lambda-list supplied-initarg-names supplied-initargs) (cons 'list (gathering1 (collecting) (dolist (entry *constructor-code-types*) (let ((generator (funcall (cadr entry) class name lambda-list supplied-initarg-names supplied-initargs))) (when generator (gather1 `',(car entry)) (gather1 generator))))))) (defmethod compute-constructor-code ((class std-class) (constructor constructor)) (let* ((proto (class-prototype class)) (wrapper (class-wrapper class)) (defaults (class-default-initargs class)) (make (compute-applicable-methods #'make-instance (list class))) (supplied-initarg-names (constructor-supplied-initarg-names constructor)) (default (compute-applicable-methods #'default-initargs (list class supplied-initarg-names))) ;? (allocate (compute-applicable-methods #'allocate-instance (list class))) (initialize (compute-applicable-methods #'initialize-instance (list proto))) (shared (compute-applicable-methods #'shared-initialize (list proto t))) (code-generators (constructor-code-generators constructor)) (code-generators (constructor-code-generators constructor))) (flet ((call-code-generator (generator) (when (null generator) (unless (setq generator (getf code-generators 'fallback)) (error "No FALLBACK generator?"))) (funcall generator class wrapper defaults initialize shared))) (if (or (cdr make) (cdr default) (cdr allocate) (check-initargs class supplied-initarg-names defaults (append initialize shared))) ;; These are basic shared assumptions, if one of the ;; has been violated, we have to resort to the fallback ;; case. Any of these assumptions could be moved out ;; of here and into the individual code types if there ;; was a need to do so. (values (call-code-generator nil) 'fallback) ;; Otherwise try all the generators until one produces ;; code for us. (doplist (type generator) code-generators (let ((code (call-code-generator generator))) (when code (return (values code type))))))))) ;;; ;;; The facilities are useful for debugging, and to measure the performance ;;; boost from constructors. ;;; (defun map-constructors (fn) (let ((nclasses 0) (nconstructors 0)) (labels ((recurse (class) (incf nclasses) (dolist (constructor (class-constructors class)) (incf nconstructors) (funcall fn constructor)) (dolist (subclass (class-direct-subclasses class)) (recurse subclass)))) (recurse (find-class 't)) (values nclasses nconstructors)))) (defun reset-constructors () (multiple-value-bind (nclass ncons) (map-constructors #'install-lazy-constructor-installer ) (format t "~&~D classes, ~D constructors." nclass ncons))) (defun disable-constructors () (multiple-value-bind (nclass ncons) (map-constructors #'(lambda (c) (let ((gen (getf (constructor-code-generators c) 'fallback))) (if (null gen) (error "No fallback constructor for ~S." c) (set-constructor-code c (funcall gen (constructor-class c) () () () ()) 'fallback))))) (format t "~&~D classes, ~D constructors." nclass ncons))) (defun enable-constructors () (reset-constructors)) ;;; ;;; Helper functions and utilities that are shared by all of the code types ;;; and by the main compute-constructor-code method as well. ;;; (defvar *standard-initialize-instance-method* (get-method #'initialize-instance () (list *the-class-standard-object*))) (defvar *standard-shared-initialize-method* (get-method #'shared-initialize () (list *the-class-standard-object* *the-class-t*))) (defun non-clos-initialize-instance-methods-p (methods) (notevery #'(lambda (m) (eq m *standard-initialize-instance-method*)) methods)) (defun non-clos-shared-initialize-methods-p (methods) (notevery #'(lambda (m) (eq m *standard-shared-initialize-method*)) methods)) (defun non-clos-or-after-initialize-instance-methods-p (methods) (notevery #'(lambda (m) (or (eq m *standard-initialize-instance-method*) (equal '(:after) (method-qualifiers m)))) methods)) (defun non-clos-or-after-shared-initialize-methods-p (methods) (notevery #'(lambda (m) (or (eq m *standard-shared-initialize-method*) (equal '(:after) (method-qualifiers m)))) methods)) ;;; ;;; if initargs are valid return nil, otherwise return t. ;;; (defun check-initargs (class supplied-initarg-names defaults methods) (let ((legal (apply #'append (mapcar #'slotd-initargs (class-slots class))))) ;; Add to the set of slot-filling initargs the set of ;; initargs that are accepted by the methods. If at ;; any point we come across &allow-other-keys, we can ;; just quit. (dolist (method methods) (multiple-value-bind (keys allow-other-keys) (function-keywords method) (when allow-other-keys (return-from check-initargs nil)) (setq legal (append keys legal)))) ;; Now check the supplied-initarg-names and the default initargs ;; against the total set that we know are legal. (dolist (key supplied-initarg-names) (unless (memq key legal) (return-from check-initargs t))) (dolist (default defaults) (unless (memq (car default) legal) (return-from check-initargs t))))) ;;; ;;; This returns two values. The first is a vector which can be used as the ;;; initial value of the slots vector for the instance. The first is a symbol ;;; describing the initforms this class has. ;;; ;;; If the first value is: ;;; ;;; :unsupplied no slot has an initform ;;; :constants all slots have either a constant initform ;;; or no initform at all ;;; t there is at least one non-constant initform ;;; (defun compute-constant-vector (class) (declare (values constants flag)) (let* ((wrapper (class-wrapper class)) (layout (wrapper-instance-slots-layout wrapper)) (flag :unsupplied) (constants ())) (dolist (slotd (class-slots class)) (let ((name (slotd-name slotd)) (initform (slotd-initform slotd)) (initfn (slotd-initfunction slotd))) (cond ((null (memq name layout))) ((or (eq initform *slotd-unsupplied*) (null initfn)) (push (cons name *slot-unbound*) constants)) ((constantp initform) (push (cons name (eval initform)) constants) (when (eq flag ':unsupplied) (setq flag ':constants))) (t (push (cons name *slot-unbound*) constants) (setq flag 't))))) (values (apply #'vector (mapcar #'cdr (sort constants #'(lambda (x y) (memq (car y) (memq (car x) layout)))))) flag))) (defmacro copy-constant-vector (constants) `(copy-seq (the simple-vector ,constants))) ;;; ;;; This takes a class and a list of initarg-names, and returns an alist ;;; indicating the positions of the slots those initargs may fill. The ;;; order of the initarg-names argument is important of course, since we ;;; have to respect the rules about the leftmost initarg that fills a slot ;;; having precedence. This function allows initarg names to appear twice ;;; in the list, it only considers the first appearance. ;;; (defun compute-initarg-positions (class initarg-names) (let* ((layout (wrapper-instance-slots-layout (class-wrapper class))) (positions (gathering1 (collecting) (iterate ((slot-name (list-elements layout)) (position (interval :from 0))) (gather1 (cons slot-name position))))) (slot-initargs (mapcar #'(lambda (slotd) (list (slotd-initargs slotd) (or (cdr (assq (slotd-name slotd) positions)) ':class))) (class-slots class)))) ;; Go through each of the initargs, and figure out what position ;; it fills by replacing the entries in slot-initargs it fills. (dolist (initarg initarg-names) (dolist (slot-entry slot-initargs) (let ((slot-initargs (car slot-entry))) (when (and (listp slot-initargs) (not (null slot-initargs)) (memq initarg slot-initargs)) (setf (car slot-entry) initarg))))) (gathering1 (collecting) (dolist (initarg initarg-names) (let ((positions (gathering1 (collecting) (dolist (slot-entry slot-initargs) (when (eq (car slot-entry) initarg) (gather1 (cadr slot-entry))))))) (when positions (gather1 (cons initarg positions)))))))) ;;; ;;; The FALLBACK case allows anything. This always works, and always appears ;;; as the last of the generators for a constructor. It does a full call to ;;; make-instance. ;;; (define-constructor-code-type fallback (class name arglist supplied-initarg-names supplied-initargs) (declare (ignore name supplied-initarg-names)) `(function (lambda (&rest ignore) (declare (ignore ignore)) (function (lambda ,arglist (make-instance ',(class-name class) ,@(gathering1 (collecting) (iterate ((tail (*list-tails supplied-initargs :by #'cddr))) (gather1 `',(car tail)) (gather1 (cadr tail)))))))))) ;;; ;;; The GENERAL case allows: ;;; constant, unsupplied or non-constant initforms ;;; constant or non-constant default initargs ;;; supplied initargs ;;; slot-filling initargs ;;; :after methods on shared-initialize and initialize-instance ;;; (define-constructor-code-type general (class name arglist supplied-initarg-names supplied-initargs) (declare (ignore name)) (let ((raw-allocator (raw-instance-allocator class)) (slots-fetcher (slots-fetcher class)) (wrapper-fetcher (wrapper-fetcher class))) `(function (lambda (class .wrapper. defaults init shared) (multiple-value-bind (.constants. .constant-initargs. .initfns-initargs-and-positions. .supplied-initarg-positions. .shared-initfns. .initfns.) (general-generator-internal class defaults init shared ',supplied-initarg-names ',supplied-initargs) .supplied-initarg-positions. (when (and .constants. (null (non-clos-or-after-initialize-instance-methods-p init)) (null (non-clos-or-after-shared-initialize-methods-p shared))) (function (lambda ,arglist (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0))) (let ((.instance. (,raw-allocator)) (.slots. (copy-constant-vector .constants.)) (.positions. .supplied-initarg-positions.) (.initargs. .constant-initargs.)) .positions. (setf (,slots-fetcher .instance.) .slots.) (setf (,wrapper-fetcher .instance.) .wrapper.) (dolist (entry .initfns-initargs-and-positions.) (let ((val (funcall (car entry))) (initarg (cadr entry))) (when initarg (push val .initargs.) (push initarg .initargs.)) (dolist (pos (cddr entry)) (setf (%svref .slots. pos) val)))) ,@(gathering1 (collecting) (doplist (initarg value) supplied-initargs (unless (constantp value) (gather1 `(let ((.value. ,value)) (push .value. .initargs.) (push ',initarg .initargs.) (dolist (.p. (pop .positions.)) (setf (%svref .slots. .p.) .value.))))))) (dolist (fn .shared-initfns.) (apply fn .instance. t .initargs.)) (dolist (fn .initfns.) (apply fn .instance. .initargs.)) .instance.))))))))) (defun general-generator-internal (class defaults init shared supplied-initarg-names supplied-initargs) (flet ((bail-out () (return-from general-generator-internal nil))) (let* ((constants (compute-constant-vector class)) (layout (wrapper-instance-slots-layout (class-wrapper class))) (initarg-positions (compute-initarg-positions class (append supplied-initarg-names (mapcar #'car defaults)))) (initfns-initargs-and-positions ()) (supplied-initarg-positions ()) (constant-initargs ()) (used-positions ())) ;; ;; Go through each of the supplied initargs for three reasons. ;; ;; - If it fills a class slot, bail out. ;; - If its a constant form, fill the constant vector. ;; - Otherwise remember the positions no two initargs ;; will try to fill the same position, since compute ;; initarg positions already took care of that, but ;; we do need to know what initforms will and won't ;; be needed. ;; (doplist (initarg val) supplied-initargs (let ((positions (cdr (assq initarg initarg-positions)))) (cond ((memq :class positions) (bail-out)) ((constantp val) (setq val (eval val)) (push val constant-initargs) (push initarg constant-initargs) (dolist (pos positions) (setf (svref constants pos) val))) (t (push positions supplied-initarg-positions))) (setq used-positions (append positions used-positions)))) ;; ;; Go through each of the default initargs, for three reasons. ;; ;; - If it fills a class slot, bail out. ;; - If it is a constant, and it does fill a slot, put that ;; into the constant vector. ;; - If it isn't a constant, record its initfn and position. ;; (dolist (default defaults) (let* ((name (car default)) (initfn (cadr default)) (form (caddr default)) (value ()) (positions (cdr (assq name initarg-positions)))) (unless (memq name supplied-initarg-names) (cond ((memq :class positions) (bail-out)) ((constantp form) (setq value (eval form)) (push value constant-initargs) (push name constant-initargs) (dolist (pos positions) (setf (svref constants pos) value))) (t (push (list* initfn name positions) initfns-initargs-and-positions))) (setq used-positions (append positions used-positions))))) ;; ;; Go through each of the slot initforms: ;; ;; - If its position has already been filled, do nothing. ;; The initfn won't need to be called, and the slot won't ;; need to be touched. ;; - If it is a class slot, and has an initform, bail out. ;; - If its a constant or unsupplied, ignore it, it is ;; already in the constant vector. ;; - Otherwise, record its initfn and position ;; (dolist (slotd (class-slots class)) (let* ((alloc (slotd-allocation slotd)) (name (slotd-name slotd)) (form (slotd-initform slotd)) (initfn (slotd-initfunction slotd)) (position (position name layout))) (cond ((neq alloc :instance) (unless (or (eq form *slotd-unsupplied*) (null initfn)) (bail-out))) ((member position used-positions)) ((or (constantp form) (eq form *slotd-unsupplied*))) (t (push (list initfn nil position) initfns-initargs-and-positions))))) (values constants constant-initargs (nreverse initfns-initargs-and-positions) (nreverse supplied-initarg-positions) (mapcar #'method-function (remove *standard-shared-initialize-method* shared)) (mapcar #'method-function (remove *standard-initialize-instance-method* init)))))) ;;; ;;; The NO-METHODS case allows: ;;; constant, unsupplied or non-constant initforms ;;; constant or non-constant default initargs ;;; supplied initargs that are arguments to constructor, or constants ;;; slot-filling initargs ;;; (define-constructor-code-type no-methods (class name arglist supplied-initarg-names supplied-initargs) (declare (ignore name)) (let ((raw-allocator (raw-instance-allocator class)) (slots-fetcher (slots-fetcher class)) (wrapper-fetcher (wrapper-fetcher class))) `(function (lambda (class .wrapper. defaults init shared) (multiple-value-bind (.constants. .initfns-and-positions. .supplied-initarg-positions.) (no-methods-generator-internal class defaults ',supplied-initarg-names ',supplied-initargs) .initfns-and-positions. .supplied-initarg-positions. (when (and .constants. (null (non-clos-initialize-instance-methods-p init)) (null (non-clos-shared-initialize-methods-p shared))) #'(lambda ,arglist (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0))) (let ((.instance. (,raw-allocator)) (.slots. (copy-constant-vector .constants.)) (.positions. .supplied-initarg-positions.)) .positions. (setf (,slots-fetcher .instance.) .slots.) (setf (,wrapper-fetcher .instance.) .wrapper.) (dolist (entry .initfns-and-positions.) (let ((val (funcall (car entry)))) (dolist (pos (cdr entry)) (setf (%svref .slots. pos) val)))) ,@(gathering1 (collecting) (doplist (initarg value) supplied-initargs (unless (constantp value) (gather1 `(let ((.value. ,value)) (dolist (.p. (pop .positions.)) (setf (%svref .slots. .p.) .value.))))))) .instance.)))))))) (defun no-methods-generator-internal (class defaults supplied-initarg-names supplied-initargs) (flet ((bail-out () (return-from no-methods-generator-internal nil))) (let* ((constants (compute-constant-vector class)) (layout (wrapper-instance-slots-layout (class-wrapper class))) (initarg-positions (compute-initarg-positions class (append supplied-initarg-names (mapcar #'car defaults)))) (initfns-and-positions ()) (supplied-initarg-positions ()) (used-positions ())) ;; ;; Go through each of the supplied initargs for three reasons. ;; ;; - If it fills a class slot, bail out. ;; - If its a constant form, fill the constant vector. ;; - Otherwise remember the positions, no two initargs ;; will try to fill the same position, since compute ;; initarg positions already took care of that, but ;; we do need to know what initforms will and won't ;; be needed. ;; (doplist (initarg val) supplied-initargs (let ((positions (cdr (assq initarg initarg-positions)))) (cond ((memq :class positions) (bail-out)) ((constantp val) (setq val (eval val)) (dolist (pos positions) (setf (svref constants pos) val))) (t (push positions supplied-initarg-positions))) (setq used-positions (append positions used-positions)))) ;; ;; Go through each of the default initargs, for three reasons. ;; ;; - If it fills a class slot, bail out. ;; - If it is a constant, and it does fill a slot, put that ;; into the constant vector. ;; - If it isn't a constant, record its initfn and position. ;; (dolist (default defaults) (let* ((name (car default)) (initfn (cadr default)) (form (caddr default)) (value ()) (positions (cdr (assq name initarg-positions)))) (unless (memq name supplied-initarg-names) (cond ((memq :class positions) (bail-out)) ((constantp form) (setq value (eval form)) (dolist (pos positions) (setf (svref constants pos) value))) (t (push (cons initfn positions) initfns-and-positions))) (setq used-positions (append positions used-positions))))) ;; ;; Go through each of the slot initforms: ;; ;; - If its position has already been filled, do nothing. ;; The initfn won't need to be called, and the slot won't ;; need to be touched. ;; - If it is a class slot, and has an initform, bail out. ;; - If its a constant or unsupplied, do nothing, we know ;; that it is already in the constant vector. ;; - Otherwise, record its initfn and position ;; (dolist (slotd (class-slots class)) (let* ((alloc (slotd-allocation slotd)) (name (slotd-name slotd)) (form (slotd-initform slotd)) (initfn (slotd-initfunction slotd)) (position (position name layout))) (cond ((neq alloc :instance) (unless (or (eq form *slotd-unsupplied*) (null initfn)) (bail-out))) ((member position used-positions)) ((or (constantp form) (eq form *slotd-unsupplied*))) (t (push (list initfn position) initfns-and-positions))))) (values constants (nreverse initfns-and-positions) (nreverse supplied-initarg-positions))))) ;;; ;;; The SIMPLE-SLOTS case allows: ;;; constant or unsupplied initforms ;;; constant default initargs ;;; supplied initargs ;;; slot filling initargs ;;; (define-constructor-code-type simple-slots (class name arglist supplied-initarg-names supplied-initargs) (declare (ignore name)) (let ((raw-allocator (raw-instance-allocator class)) (slots-fetcher (slots-fetcher class)) (wrapper-fetcher (wrapper-fetcher class))) `(function (lambda (class .wrapper. defaults init shared) (when (and (null (non-clos-initialize-instance-methods-p init)) (null (non-clos-shared-initialize-methods-p shared))) (multiple-value-bind (.constants. .supplied-initarg-positions.) (simple-slots-generator-internal class defaults ',supplied-initarg-names ',supplied-initargs) (when .constants. (function (lambda ,arglist (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0))) (let ((.instance. (,raw-allocator)) (.slots. (copy-constant-vector .constants.)) (.positions. .supplied-initarg-positions.)) .positions. (setf (,slots-fetcher .instance.) .slots.) (setf (,wrapper-fetcher .instance.) .wrapper.) ,@(gathering1 (collecting) (doplist (initarg value) supplied-initargs (unless (constantp value) (gather1 `(let ((.value. ,value)) (dolist (.p. (pop .positions.)) (setf (%svref .slots. .p.) .value.))))))) .instance.)))))))))) (defun simple-slots-generator-internal (class defaults supplied-initarg-names supplied-initargs) (flet ((bail-out () (return-from simple-slots-generator-internal nil))) (let* ((constants (compute-constant-vector class)) (layout (wrapper-instance-slots-layout (class-wrapper class))) (initarg-positions (compute-initarg-positions class (append supplied-initarg-names (mapcar #'car defaults)))) (supplied-initarg-positions ()) (used-positions ())) ;; ;; Go through each of the supplied initargs for three reasons. ;; ;; - If it fills a class slot, bail out. ;; - If its a constant form, fill the constant vector. ;; - Otherwise remember the positions, no two initargs ;; will try to fill the same position, since compute ;; initarg positions already took care of that, but ;; we do need to know what initforms will and won't ;; be needed. ;; (doplist (initarg val) supplied-initargs (let ((positions (cdr (assq initarg initarg-positions)))) (cond ((memq :class positions) (bail-out)) ((constantp val) (setq val (eval val)) (dolist (pos positions) (setf (svref constants pos) val))) (t (push positions supplied-initarg-positions))) (setq used-positions (append used-positions positions)))) ;; ;; Go through each of the default initargs for three reasons. ;; ;; - If it isn't a constant form, bail out. ;; - If it fills a class slot, bail out. ;; - If it is a constant, and it does fill a slot, put that ;; into the constant vector. ;; (dolist (default defaults) (let* ((name (car default)) (form (caddr default)) (value ()) (positions (cdr (assq name initarg-positions)))) (unless (memq name supplied-initarg-names) (cond ((memq :class positions) (bail-out)) ((not (constantp form)) (bail-out)) (t (setq value (eval form)) (dolist (pos positions) (setf (svref constants pos) value))))))) ;; ;; Go through each of the slot initforms: ;; ;; - If its position has already been filled, do nothing. ;; The initfn won't need to be called, and the slot won't ;; need to be touched, we are OK. ;; - If it has a non-constant initform, bail-out. This ;; case doesn't handle those. ;; - If it has a constant or unsupplied initform we don't ;; really need to do anything, the value is in the ;; constants vector. ;; (dolist (slotd (class-slots class)) (let* ((alloc (slotd-allocation slotd)) (name (slotd-name slotd)) (form (slotd-initform slotd)) (initfn (slotd-initfunction slotd)) (position (position name layout))) (cond ((neq alloc :instance) (unless (or (eq form *slotd-unsupplied*) (null initfn)) (bail-out))) ((member position used-positions)) ((or (constantp form) (eq form *slotd-unsupplied*))) (t (bail-out))))) (values constants (nreverse supplied-initarg-positions)))))