Color/Advanced Graphics Features Brainstorming In the list below, rank (between 1 and 5, 1 highest to 5 lowest) the priority of each item or feature you would be interested in.˙˙ OR feel free to add to the list of things you might like to see.˙ Color windows Color fonts Move windows from b/w to color display? Multi-monitor Suns? Sun color hardware CG2 CG3 CG4 CG5 Special graphics accelerators Need separate fonts for fore, backgrounds colors (versus font or stream attribute) Color bitmaps will eat up 32M space quickly (windows, fonts) Remote bitmaps (outside of 32M address space - can't save in sysout) New Opcodes 2&3 D geometric transforms (avoids floating pt. boxing) BitMapBit TEdit Color Your suggestion here Cleanup texture/shade/color controversies Application support raytracers renderers Application type User Interface 2 D 3 D Animation Image analysis Other I/O devices film recorders color hardcopy InterPress Postscript Others? scanners digitizing tablet File I/O of various formats AIS Others? Better quality graphics capabilities contour fonts better polygon capabilities (e.g. "woodgrain texture fill") Speed requirements? (often need to process *lots* of pixels) Can logout, restart from color screen? Are there multiple resolutions (multiple BPP) of color? Integration with other modules Rooms ScreenPaper ACE (animation editor) Notecards LOOPS TEdit Sketch Compatibility with Medley1.1 sysouts, data structures Kickstarting (integrated w. current scripts (ldeether -c calls ldecolor?) Light weight high quality bitmap editor Resolution independent streams Postscript interpreter Network ray tracer Immediate bare-bones capabilities (versus) Not so immediate richer capabilities Flood fill ,$$,, HELVETICA  HELVETICA /‡ (S>F 9  *        %=>`  6J(". $Œzē