; Copyright (C) 2021-2023 by Bill Stewart (bstewart at iname.com) ; ; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under ; the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free ; Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any ; later version. ; ; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ; ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS ; FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Lesser Public License for more ; details. ; ; You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License ; along with this program. If not, see https://www.gnu.org/licenses/. ; Sample Inno Setup (https://www.jrsoftware.org/isinfo.php) script ; demonstrating use of PathMgr.dll. ; ; This script uses PathMgr.dll in the following ways: ; * Copies PathMgr.dll to the target machine (required for uninstall) ; * Defines a task in [Tasks] that should modify the Path ; * Imports the AddDirToPath() DLL function at setup time ; * Imports the RemoveDirFromPath() DLL function at uninstall time ; * Stores task state as custom setting using RegisterPreviousData() ; * Retrieves task state custom setting during setup and uninstall initialize ; * At post install, adds app dir to Path if task selected ; * At uninstall, removes dir from Path if custom setting present ; * Unloads and deletes DLL and removes app dir at uninstall deinitialize #if Ver < EncodeVer(6,0,0,0) #error This script requires Inno Setup 6 or later #endif [Setup] AppId={{A17D2D05-C729-4F2A-9CC7-E04906C5A842} AppName=EditPath AppVersion= UsePreviousAppDir=false DefaultDirName={autopf}\EditPath Uninstallable=true OutputDir=. OutputBaseFilename=EditPath_Setup ArchitecturesInstallIn64BitMode=x64 PrivilegesRequired=none PrivilegesRequiredOverridesAllowed=dialog [Files] ; Install PathMgr.dll for use with both setup and uninstall; use ; uninsneveruninstall flag because DeinitializeSetup() will delete after ; unloading the DLL; install the 32-bit version of PathMgr.dll because both ; setup and uninstall executables are 32-bit Source: "i386\PathMgr.dll"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: uninsneveruninstall ; Other files to install on target system Source: "i386\EditPath.exe"; DestDir: "{app}"; Check: not Is64BitInstallMode() Source: "x86_64\EditPath.exe"; DestDir: "{app}"; Check: Is64BitInstallMode() Source: "EditPath.md"; DestDir: "{app}" [Tasks] Name: modifypath; Description: "&Add to Path" [Code] const MODIFY_PATH_TASK_NAME = 'modifypath'; // Specify name of task var PathIsModified: Boolean; // Cache task selection from previous installs ApplicationUninstalled: Boolean; // Has application been uninstalled? // Import AddDirToPath() at setup time ('files:' prefix) function DLLAddDirToPath(DirName: string; PathType, AddType: DWORD): DWORD; external 'AddDirToPath@files:PathMgr.dll stdcall setuponly'; // Import RemoveDirFromPath() at uninstall time ('{app}\' prefix) function DLLRemoveDirFromPath(DirName: string; PathType: DWORD): DWORD; external 'RemoveDirFromPath@{app}\PathMgr.dll stdcall uninstallonly'; // Wrapper for AddDirToPath() DLL function function AddDirToPath(const DirName: string): DWORD; var PathType, AddType: DWORD; begin // PathType = 0 - use system Path // PathType = 1 - use user Path // AddType = 0 - add to end of Path // AddType = 1 - add to beginning of Path if IsAdminInstallMode() then PathType := 0 else PathType := 1; AddType := 0; result := DLLAddDirToPath(DirName, PathType, AddType); end; // Wrapper for RemoveDirFromPath() DLL function function RemoveDirFromPath(const DirName: string): DWORD; var PathType: DWORD; begin // PathType = 0 - use system Path // PathType = 1 - use user Path if IsAdminInstallMode() then PathType := 0 else PathType := 1; result := DLLRemoveDirFromPath(DirName, PathType); end; procedure RegisterPreviousData(PreviousDataKey: Integer); begin // Store previous or current task selection as custom user setting if PathIsModified or WizardIsTaskSelected(MODIFY_PATH_TASK_NAME) then SetPreviousData(PreviousDataKey, MODIFY_PATH_TASK_NAME, 'true'); end; function InitializeSetup(): Boolean; begin result := true; // Was task selected during a previous install? PathIsModified := GetPreviousData(MODIFY_PATH_TASK_NAME, '') = 'true'; end; function InitializeUninstall(): Boolean; begin result := true; // Was task selected during a previous install? PathIsModified := GetPreviousData(MODIFY_PATH_TASK_NAME, '') = 'true'; ApplicationUninstalled := false; end; procedure CurStepChanged(CurStep: TSetupStep); begin if CurStep = ssPostInstall then begin // Add app directory to Path at post-install step if task selected if PathIsModified or WizardIsTaskSelected(MODIFY_PATH_TASK_NAME) then AddDirToPath(ExpandConstant('{app}')); end; end; procedure CurUninstallStepChanged(CurUninstallStep: TUninstallStep); begin if CurUninstallStep = usUninstall then begin // Remove app directory from path during uninstall if task was selected; // use variable because we can't use WizardIsTaskSelected() at uninstall if PathIsModified then RemoveDirFromPath(ExpandConstant('{app}')); end else if CurUninstallStep = usPostUninstall then begin ApplicationUninstalled := true; end; end; procedure DeinitializeUninstall(); begin if ApplicationUninstalled then begin // Unload and delete PathMgr.dll and remove app dir when uninstalling UnloadDLL(ExpandConstant('{app}\PathMgr.dll')); DeleteFile(ExpandConstant('{app}\PathMgr.dll')); RemoveDir(ExpandConstant('{app}')); end; end;