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Here are some references to works that will be useful to you in addition to this primer. Some of these you have already been referred to, such as:

• The Interlisp-D Reference Manual (IRM)

• The Library Packages Manual

• The User’s Guide to SKETCH

In addition, you can learn more about Lisp with the books:

Interlisp-D: The l a ngu ago a n d its usage by Steven H. Kaisler. This book was published in 1986 by John Wiley and Sons, NY.

Essenti a l LISP by John Anderson, Albert Corbett, and Brian Reiser. This book was published in 1986 by Addison Wesley Publishing Company, Reading, MA. It was

informed by research on how beginners learn LISP.

The Little Lisper by Daniel P. Friedman and Matthias Felleisen. The second edition of this book was published in 1986 by SRA Associates, Chicago. This book is a

deceptively simple introduction to recursive programming and the flexible data structures provided by LISP.

LISP by Patrick Winston and Berthold Horn. The second edition of this book was published in 1985 by the Addison Wesley Publishing Company, Reading, MA.

LISP: A Gentle Introd uction to Symbolic Comp ut a tion by David S. Touretzky. This book was published in 1984 by the Harper and Row Publishing Company, NY.

Finally, there are three articles about the Interlisp Programming environment:

• Power Tools For Programmers byBeau Sheil. It appeared in Datamation in February, 1983, Pages 131 - 144.

• The Interlisp Programming Environment by Warren Teitelman and Larry Masinter. It appeared in April, 1981, in IEEE Computer, Volume 14:1, Pages 25 - 34.

• Programming In an Interactive Environment, the LISP Experience by Erik

Sandewall. It appeared in March, 1978, in the ACM Computing Surveys, Volume 10:1, pages 35 - 71.

Each of these articles was reprinted in the book Inter active Prog r amming

Environ ments by David R. Barstow, Howard E. Shrobe, and Erik Sandewail. This

book was published in 1984 by McGraw Hill, NY. The first article can be foun d on pages 19 - 30, the second on pages 83 - 96, and the third on pages 31 - 80.


Medley for the Novice, Release 2.0