;;;-*-Mode:LISP; Package:(CLOS (LISP WALKER)); Base:10; Syntax:Common-lisp -*- ;;; ;;; ************************************************************************* ;;; Copyright (c) 1991 Venue ;;; All rights reserved. ;;; ************************************************************************* ;;; ;;; Basic environmental stuff. ;;; (in-package 'clos) ;;; ;;; ;;; (defgeneric describe-object (object stream)) (defmethod describe-object ((object standard-object) stream) (let* ((class (class-of object)) (slotds (slots-to-inspect class object)) (max-slot-name-length 0) (instance-slotds ()) (class-slotds ()) (other-slotds ())) (flet ((adjust-slot-name-length (name) (setq max-slot-name-length (max max-slot-name-length (length (the string (symbol-name name)))))) (describe-slot (name value &optional (allocation () alloc-p)) (if alloc-p (format stream "~% ~A ~S ~VT ~S" name allocation (+ max-slot-name-length 7) value) (format stream "~% ~A~VT ~S" name max-slot-name-length value)))) ;; Figure out a good width for the slot-name column. (dolist (slotd slotds) (adjust-slot-name-length (slotd-name slotd)) (case (slotd-allocation slotd) (:instance (push slotd instance-slotds)) (:class (push slotd class-slotds)) (otherwise (push slotd other-slotds)))) (setq max-slot-name-length (min (+ max-slot-name-length 3) 30)) (format stream "~%~S is an instance of class ~S:" object class) (when instance-slotds (format stream "~% The following slots have :INSTANCE allocation:") (dolist (slotd (nreverse instance-slotds)) (describe-slot (slotd-name slotd) (slot-value-or-default object (slotd-name slotd))))) (when class-slotds (format stream "~% The following slots have :CLASS allocation:") (dolist (slotd (nreverse class-slotds)) (describe-slot (slotd-name slotd) (slot-value-or-default object (slotd-name slotd))))) (when other-slotds (format stream "~% The following slots have allocation as shown:") (dolist (slotd (nreverse other-slotds)) (describe-slot (slotd-name slotd) (slot-value-or-default object (slotd-name slotd)) (slotd-allocation slotd)))) (values)))) (defmethod slots-to-inspect ((class std-class) (object standard-object)) (class-slots class)) ;;; ;;; ;;; (defmethod describe-object ((class class) stream) (flet ((pretty-class (c) (or (class-name c) c))) (macrolet ((ft (string &rest args) `(format stream ,string ,@args))) (ft "~&~S is a class, it is an instance of ~S.~%" class (pretty-class (class-of class))) (let ((name (class-name class))) (if name (if (eq class (find-class name nil)) (ft "Its proper name is ~S.~%" name) (ft "Its name is ~S, but this is not a proper name.~%" name)) (ft "It has no name (the name is NIL).~%"))) (ft "The direct superclasses are: ~:S, and the direct~%~ subclasses are: ~:S. The class precedence list is:~%~S~%~ There are ~D methods specialized for this class." (mapcar #'pretty-class (class-direct-superclasses class)) (mapcar #'pretty-class (class-direct-subclasses class)) (mapcar #'pretty-class (class-precedence-list class)) (length (specializer-methods class)))))) ;;; ;;; trace-method and untrace-method accept method specs as arguments. A ;;; method-spec should be a list like: ;;; ( qualifiers* (specializers*)) ;;; where should be either a symbol or a list ;;; of (SETF ). ;;; ;;; For example, to trace the method defined by: ;;; ;;; (defmethod foo ((x spaceship)) 'ss) ;;; ;;; You should say: ;;; ;;; (trace-method '(foo (spaceship))) ;;; ;;; You can also provide a method object in the place of the method ;;; spec, in which case that method object will be traced. ;;; ;;; For untrace-method, if an argument is given, that method is untraced. ;;; If no argument is given, all traced methods are untraced. ;;; (defclass traced-method (method) ((method :initarg :method) (function :initarg :function :reader method-function) (generic-function :initform nil :accessor method-generic-function))) (defmethod method-lambda-list ((m traced-method)) (with-slots (method) m (method-lambda-list method))) (defmethod method-specializers ((m traced-method)) (with-slots (method) m (method-specializers method))) (defmethod method-qualifiers ((m traced-method)) (with-slots (method) m (method-qualifiers method))) (defmethod method-qualifiers ((m traced-method)) (with-slots (method) m (method-qualifiers method))) (defmethod accessor-method-slot-name ((m traced-method)) (with-slots (method) m (accessor-method-slot-name method))) (defvar *traced-methods* ()) (defun trace-method (spec &rest options) (multiple-value-bind (gf omethod name) (parse-method-or-spec spec) (let* ((tfunction (trace-method-internal (method-function omethod) name options)) (tmethod (make-instance 'traced-method :method omethod :function tfunction))) (remove-method gf omethod) (add-method gf tmethod) (pushnew tmethod *traced-methods*) tmethod))) (defun untrace-method (&optional spec) (flet ((untrace-1 (m) (let ((gf (method-generic-function m))) (when gf (remove-method gf m) (add-method gf (slot-value m 'method)) (setq *traced-methods* (remove m *traced-methods*)))))) (if (not (null spec)) (multiple-value-bind (gf method) (parse-method-or-spec spec) (declare (ignore gf)) (if (memq method *traced-methods*) (untrace-1 method) (error "~S is not a traced method?" method))) (dolist (m *traced-methods*) (untrace-1 m))))) (defun trace-method-internal (ofunction name options) (eval `(untrace ,name)) (setf (symbol-function name) ofunction) (eval `(trace ,name ,@options)) (symbol-function name)) ;(defun compile-method (spec) ; (multiple-value-bind (gf method name) ; (parse-method-or-spec spec) ; (declare (ignore gf)) ; (compile name (method-function method)) ; (setf (method-function method) (symbol-function name)))) (defmacro undefmethod (&rest args) #+(or (not :lucid) :lcl3.0) (declare (arglist name {method-qualifier}* specializers)) `(undefmethod-1 ',args)) (defun undefmethod-1 (args) (multiple-value-bind (gf method) (parse-method-or-spec args) (when (and gf method) (remove-method gf method) method)))